
A mostrar agora: Honduras - Selos Postais (1866 - 2024) - 28 selos.

[Inauguration of New President Vicente Mejia Colindres and of Vice President Rafael Diaz Chavez, type AJ] [Inauguration of New President Vicente Mejia Colindres and of Vice President Rafael Diaz Chavez, type AK]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
229 AJ 1C - 2,59 2,59 - USD  Info
230 AK 2C - 2,59 2,59 - USD  Info
229‑230 - 5,18 5,18 - USD 
[Local Motives Stamps of 1927 with new Colors, type AC1]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
231 AB1 5C - 10,38 6,23 - USD  Info
232 AC1 6C - 0,78 0,52 - USD  Info
231‑232 - 11,16 6,75 - USD 
[Airmail - Flight New York-Honduras - Flieger Garay, type AL]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
233 AL 50C - 3,11 1,56 - USD  Info
[Airmail - Flight New York-Honduras - Previous Issue Surcharged, type AL1] [Airmail - Flight New York-Honduras - Previous Issue Surcharged, type AL2] [Airmail - Flight New York-Honduras - Previous Issue Surcharged, type AL3] [Airmail - Flight New York-Honduras - Previous Issue Surcharged, type AL4]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
234 AL1 5/50C - 0,78 0,26 - USD  Info
235 AL2 10/50C - 0,78 0,26 - USD  Info
236 AL3 15/50C - 1,04 0,52 - USD  Info
237 AL4 20/50C - 1,56 0,78 - USD  Info
234‑237 - 4,16 1,82 - USD 
[Airmail - Previous Issue Overprinted "Servicio aereo Vale 25 centavos oro - 1929" and Surcharged, type X7]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
238 X7 25/50Cent/C - 4,15 3,11 - USD  Info
[Local Motives Stamps of 1927 Overprinted "1929a1930", type Z1] [Local Motives Stamps of 1927 Overprinted "1929a1930", type AA1] [Local Motives Stamps of 1927 Overprinted "1929a1930", type AB2] [Local Motives Stamps of 1927 Overprinted "1929a1930", type K2] [Local Motives Stamps of 1927 Overprinted "1929a1930", type AC3] [Local Motives Stamps of 1927 Overprinted "1929a1930", type AD1] [Local Motives Stamps of 1927 Overprinted "1929a1930", type AE1] [Local Motives Stamps of 1927 Overprinted "1929a1930", type AF1] [Local Motives Stamps of 1927 Overprinted "1929a1930", type AG1] [Local Motives Stamps of 1927 Overprinted "1929a1930", type AI1]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
239 Z1 1C - 0,26 0,26 - USD  Info
240 AA1 2C - 0,78 0,78 - USD  Info
241 AB2 5C - 0,26 0,26 - USD  Info
242 K2 5C - 0,78 0,78 - USD  Info
243 AC2 6C - 2,08 1,56 - USD  Info
244 AC3 6C - 0,26 0,26 - USD  Info
245 AD1 10C - 0,26 0,26 - USD  Info
246 AE1 15C - 0,52 0,26 - USD  Info
247 AF1 20C - 0,52 0,26 - USD  Info
248 AG1 30C - 0,78 0,52 - USD  Info
249 AH1 50C - 1,56 0,78 - USD  Info
250 AI1 1P - 4,15 2,08 - USD  Info
239‑250 - 12,21 8,06 - USD 
[Airmail - Bust of Dionisio de Herrera - Stamps of 1924 Surcharged "Servicio aereo Vale 15 Cts oro 1929", type X42] [Airmail - Bust of Dionisio de Herrera - Stamps of 1924 Surcharged "Servicio aereo Vale 15 Cts oro 1929", type X43] [Airmail - Bust of Dionisio de Herrera - Stamps of 1924 Surcharged "Servicio aereo Vale 15 Cts oro 1929", type X44]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
251 X42 5/20Cent/C - 1,04 1,04 - USD  Info
252 X43 10/50Cent/C - 2,08 1,56 - USD  Info
253 X44 15/1Cent/C - 3,11 3,11 - USD  Info
251‑253 - 6,23 5,71 - USD 
[Airmail - Bust of Dionisio de Herrera - Stamps of 1924 Overprinted and Surcharged, type X8] [Airmail - Bust of Dionisio de Herrera - Stamps of 1924 Overprinted and Surcharged, type X9]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
254 X8 5/10Cent/C - 0,52 0,52 - USD  Info
255 X9 20/50Cent/C - 1,04 1,04 - USD  Info
254‑255 - 1,56 1,56 - USD 
[Not Issued Stamp Surcharged "Vale 1 Cts XI 1929", type K1]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
256 K1 1/6Cent/C - 0,52 0,52 - USD  Info


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